Thursday, January 17, 2019

Pinterest Is The New PLN !

This week’s class, we discuss Professional Learning Networks or PLNs and what we use to interact with them.  PLNs are a learning network that is informal and consists of the people who interact by sharing knowledge from a personal learning environment.  This can be a community of people sharing their ideas and opinions with one another by joining a group in person or online by using social media outlets.  Most PLNs are not just done by individuals interacting physically.  They are done on the internet as well.  This week I decide to create a Pinterest account for my PLNs. In the article, PLN Social Benefits - YouTube, PLN Affective Benefits, there are four ways that educators can grow and gain knowledge through their PLNs.  The four social benefits of PLNs are affective, social, cognitive and identity. The PLNs that I can relate to when it comes to interacting with Pinterest are social and cognitive. Yes, I feel that I can relate to two of these benefits.
  Being social allowed me to connect with teachers that I do not see every day in the building online because I am in the library all day.  The only time that I would get to see some teachers is when they physically bring their classes down to visit the library.  Their library visits occurs every two weeks or when the really need to use the library.  Being cognitive allowed me to think about what I should be doing in the library based on teacher’s comments.  Teachers’ comments and ideas make me think outside the box to expand their ideas. Pinterest allowed me to search and look at other people’s boards to see how I can improve my school’s collection in terms of what titles that I can expose my students to during my book talks.  There were also some images that allowed me to get ideas on how I can present my book talks. Some of these books have Pinterest pages filled with images and activities based on certain books.   
The educational vision board that I created is called, Multicultural Book CollectionI never used this type of social media before that allowed you to “show but not tell” what a multicultural book collection is supposed to look like.  I just didn’t add books by African American authors to make my collection diverse.  Most collections that I have seen only focus on one ethic group because the school’s or town’s population is most filled with that one ethic group.  Some people that I talked to when they visited my library think that I have just books by black and white authors.  That is not true because having black and white authors’ does not make your school’s library collection diverse.  I added other authors that represented or wrote about different ethnic backgrounds and books from other languages that students speak in my building.  Most of my students speak Spanish.  I found out that my mother has a Pinterest account which was shocking to me because she does not like social media at all.  I told her that Pinterest was not just for sharing ideas but also being sociable about them as well.  She did not know that at all. All my mother does is create vision boards of her ideas for special projects. 
 I quickly learned how to use Pinterest and made me two types of vision boards. I was also able to connect other people’s ideas on my subject matter and follow other public library’s Pinterest pages.  I was also able to be sociable online and discuss with another librarian on how I can improve my library’s collection. I held a discussion with a librarian that I met at a couple of ALA conferences.  Her name is Ms. Palmer and she has been a school/public librarian and English teacher for years.  Ms. Palmer always gave me some great advice while building my overall collection throughout my librarianship. Ms. Palmer is really not a fan when it comes to social media but her godchildren got her connected for the first time with Pinterest.  I told her that I was on there and I made a board based on multicultural books.  Some of the books shown are in my school’s library collection and others are books that I plan on adding into the collection.  I even added board suggestions on the topic to my board as well. 
Ms. Palmer wanted to make sure that my collection of books was diverse in terms of having Spanish books.  She also wanted to make sure that I added old and new upcoming authors from all types of ethnic backgrounds.  I told her that all ideas that she requested were always a part of my collection development and shared with her a website that I view to create my collection.  There is a website called, We Need Diverse Books (, that I use to build my collection.  This site introduces individuals to a group of new authors or books that are diverse.  I also found out this website has a Pinterest page as well.  I also communicate with other educators within my school district about my vision board.  I think that they "live" on Pinterest because their love for the social site.  Learning through social networks by utilizing PLNs is the future.  According to the article, Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future, by Paul Moss, networking, socializing, managing and sharing ideas this way is not a trend.  PLNs are going to be the way we communicate in our professional and educational careers. Down below this blog post are snap shots of my conversation with Ms. Palmer and other educators, We Need Diverse Book Pinterest page and my vision board on multicultural book collection.  I also started another vision board as well because I am planning on updating my bathroom.

Follow Me on Pinterest: Kaleena Woodard (ktw122381)

Image property of Kaleena Woodard and Pinterest

Ms. Palmer and I Conversation about the Vision Board

Image property of Kaleena Woodard and Pinterest

Image property of Kaleena Woodard and Pinterest

Other Conversations On Pinterest

Image property of Kaleena T. Woodard and Pinterest

Image property of Kaleena T. Woodard and Pinterest

Image property of We Need Diverse Books and Pinterest


Moss, Paul.(2016) Why Learning Through Social Networks Is The Future. Teacher Thought. Retrieved on January 18, 2019 from

Trust, Torrey. PLN Social Benefits - YouTube, PLN Affective Benefits. Thinglink. Retrieved on January 18, 2019 from

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